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  • AutorenbildAlessandro Müller

The final day of two amazing weeks

Friday, 13th of July

Today, we reviewed the learning and activities over the past two weeks. Students were asked to answer 6 questions about their learning. Students reflected on the most interesting visits to institution (SIP, Flora Dora, and the drop in center), and US and Swiss differences in values, ethics, economics, and views of social workers. Students enjoyed getting to continue the classroom conversations as we travel to visits and during social events. Of course, no reflection would be complete without mentioning all the good times we had – going to the Rhinefalls, social gatherings at Uwes and Sandras flats, and the Thursday night bar hopping. Tonight, we will conclude with our final group dinner and goodbyes.

On behalf of the faculty, thank you for your presentations, questions to each other and the staff at institutions, and rich discussions. We have enjoyed seeing you learn.

The US students and faculty wish to extend many thanks to our Swiss friends for their hospitality and kindness. You and Switzerland will always have a special place in our hearts. You are always welcome in Dayton, Ohio.


Sarah and Doug

Daniela and Uwe

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